Uni Tuebingen
Numerical Analysis Groups
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Übungen zu Numerics of instationary differential equations (Prof. Lubich, SS 2024)


17.04. The date for the exercise class was fixed - Wednesday 10-12 in S06..
15.02. Please register in URM URM.
15.02. The website is now online - further information will be added soon.

General information

Lecture notes

Here you can find some old (german) lecture notes for the course:

Exercise sheets

  • Sheet 1
  • Sheet 2
  • Sheet 3
  • Sheet 4
  • Programming project You can find all needed code here
  • Sheet 5
  • Sheet 6
  • Sheet 7
  • Sheet 8
  • Exercise class

    Programming exercises

    Exam, admission to exam


    Analytical background: Numerics of partial differential equations: Stiff differential equations:

    Teaching assistant

    If you have any question or doubts please contact me anytime via mail Dominik Sulz or just come to my office. I have an open door policy, just come over!


    Last modified: Wednesday, 19-Jun-2024 15:01:21 CEST, Webmaster