Uni Tuebingen
Numerical Analysis Groups
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Prof. Dr. Christian Lubich 72935 lubich* C3P25
Prof. Dr. Andreas Prohl 76072 prohl* C2A25
Gabriele Eberspächer, Secretary,
eberspaecher* C3P22
Dominik Edelmann 78564 edelmann* C3P28
Fabian Merle 76073 merle* C2A32
Yanyan Shi 78584 shi* C3P13
Dominik Sulz 72934 sulz* C3P16
Yoann Le Hénaff 72932 yoann.le-henaff* C3P19
Abishek Chaudhary 78570 chaudhary* C2A35
Georgios Vretinaris 78564 vretinaris* C3P28
Fax Group 1 4322   C3H10
Fax Group 2 5257   C2A29
Area code +49 7071 29
(* at na.uni-tuebingen.de)
Former members of the Numerical Analysis Groups


Last modified: Tuesday, 25-Mar-2025 16:00:13 CET, Webmaster