Evolving surface finite element method
Numerical experiments for my papers
▼NDune | |
▼NFem | |
►NParameter | |
▼NEsfem | The evolving surface finite element method |
▼NGrid | Analytically given evolving grids and finite element functions |
►CDeformation | |
CFEfun_set | Minimal set of finite element functions to perform higher order BDF-ESFEM with input output helper functions |
►CGrid_and_time | FE grid, FE space, function space |
Cr3fef | 3-dim. vector valued finite element functions |
CScal_FEfun | |
CTiny_FEfun_set | A smaller version of FEfun_set . This is the minimal set of functions to prepare the right-hand side of the PDE |
CVec_FEfun | |
▼NImpl | Implementation details |
►Nhash | Hash grid plus helper functions |
CAnalytic_velocity | The actual implementation of the velocity |
CEvolving_grid | Evolution via a hash map |
CExplicit_initial_data | Initial data is given via an analytic formula |
CIdentity_impl | |
CMCF_op | |
CRandom_initial_data | Random perturbation around an equilibrium point |
CRhs_fun | Scalar valued right-hand side for the surface PDE |
Csd_iData | Sphere growing via na logistic growth function |
Csd_rhs | Right-hand side for surface Dalquist test equation |
Csdp_u_rhs | Right-hand side for surface logistic sphere experiment |
Csls_iData | Sphere growing via a logistic growth function |
Csls_rhs | Right-hand side for surface logistic sphere experiment |
Csls_v_iData | Velocity of a sphere growing via a logistic growth function |
Csphere_1EF | First eigen function of the sphere |
Csphere_2EF | Second eigen function of the sphere |
Csphere_3EF | Thrid eigen function of the sphere |
Csphere_eigenFun | Implementation of SecOrd_op::vIdata::ssef() |
Csphere_mcf_sol | Implementation of SecOrd_op::vIdata::ssef() |
CVec_rhs_fun | Vector valued right-hand side for the mean curvature equation |
▼NIo | Input output routines |
►NDgf | |
CError_stream | Wrapper class for a std::stream |
►CL2H1_calculator | Wrapper class for dune ![]() ![]() |
CParameter | |
►CParaview | |
▼NSecOrd_op | Parabolic and elliptic second order operators |
►CBrusselator | |
►CExact_velocity | Analytically given velocity |
►CIdentity | Interface for the identity function |
►CInit_data | Initial data for scalar ESFEM experiments |
►CInit_data_u | |
►CInit_data_w | |
►CLinear_heat | |
►CRhs | Load vector for scalar valued PDE |
►CRhs_u | |
►CRhs_w | |
CsIdata | Scalar valued initial data |
►CSolution_driven | Solve the surface partial differential equation for solution driven paper |
CsRhs | Abstract scalar valued load vector base class |
►CVec_rhs | Load vector for vector valued PDE |
CvIdata | Vector valued initial data |
CvRhs | Abstract vector valued load vector base class |
▼CBrusselator_scheme | Implementation of the Elliott and Styles full discretization of the tumor problem |
CFef | Shortens Brusselator_scheme() |
CInit_data | Initial data respectively exact solution for numerical experiments |
CIo | Shortens Brusselator_scheme() |
CBrusselatorScheme_error | Used in brusselator_algo{,_impl}.{h,cpp} |
CGrid_error | Used in grid.h |
CInitData_error | Used for secOrd_op_initData.h |
CParameter_error | Used in io_parameter{,_impl}.{h,cpp} |
CPattern_helper | Implementation details for Brusselator_scheme::pattern_loop() |
CPreLoop_helper | Calculates the error norm for u |
CPrePattern_helper | Implementation details for Brusselator_scheme::prePattern_loop() |
CRhs | For the EOC experiments |
CRhs_error | Used for secOrd_op_rhs.h |
CRhsAndSolve_helper | Implementation details for Brusselator_scheme::rhs_and_solve_SPDE() |
CScalar_solver | |
CSolutionDriven_error | Used in secOrd_op_solutionDriven{,_impl}.{h,cpp} |
▼NGrid_evolution | |
CDeformationCoordFunction | |
▼Nstd | Template specializations |
▼Nstd | |
Cequal_to< array< int, Esfem::Grid::world_dim()> > | Operator==() for Domain points |
Cequal_to< Esfem::Grid::Deformation::Domain > | Operator==() for Domain points |
Chash< array< int, Esfem::Grid::world_dim()> > | Hash map for an array of integers |
Chash< Esfem::Grid::Deformation::Domain > | Hash map for Domain points |
▼CBrusselator_op | |
CData | |
CDataOutputParameters | |
Cevolution | |
▼Cfempair | Nodelist with corresponding elemlist |
Cbad | Report an error |
▼Cfile | File as a vector of lines |
Cbad | Report an error |
CInitial_data_u | |
CInitial_data_w | |
CLinear_heat_op | |
▼Cnodes | Nodes as a vector of valarrays of size 3 |
Cbad | Report an error |
CRHS_data_u | |
CRHS_data_w |