
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. clone
  2. clone
  3. clone
  4. assemble_RHS
  5. evaluate

   1 /*! \file secOrd_op_rhs_impl.h
   2     \brief Helper classes for `secOrd_op_rhs.cpp`
   4      Revision history
   5      --------------------------------------------------
   7           Revised by Christian Power April 2016
   8           Originally written by Christian Power
   9                ( April 2016
  11      Idea
  12      --------------------------------------------------
  14      Implement `Vec_rhs::Data`
  16      \author Christian Power 
  17      \date 16. April 2016
  18      \copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Christian Power.  All rights reserved.
  19  */
  21 #ifndef SECORD_OP_RHS_IMPL_H
  22 #define SECORD_OP_RHS_IMPL_H 
  24 #include <functional>
  25 #include <config.h>
  26 #include <dune/fem/quadrature/cachingquadrature.hh>
  27 #include "grid.h"
  28 #include "secOrd_op_rhs.h"
  31 namespace Esfem{
  32   //! Implementation details
  33   namespace Impl{
  34     //! Scalar valued right-hand side for the surface PDE
  35     class Rhs_fun
  36       :public Dune::Fem::Function
  37     <Esfem::Grid::Grid_and_time::Function_space, Rhs_fun>
  38     {
  39     public:
  40       //! Template argument
  41       using Base = Esfem::Grid::Grid_and_time::Function_space;
  42       //! \f$ \R^3\f$
  43       using Domain = Base::DomainType;
  44       //! \f$ \R^1\f$
  45       using Range = Base::RangeType;
  47       static_assert(Domain::dimension == 3, "Bad Domain dimension");
  48       static_assert(Range::dimension == 1, "Bad Range dimension");
  50       //! Get time, time step and indicate right-hand side for `u` or `w`
  51       /*! \warning If time provider outlives `this`, then you are in problem. */
  52       Rhs_fun(const Dune::Fem::TimeProviderBase&,
  53               const Growth);
  54       //! No copy constructor
  55       Rhs_fun(const Rhs_fun&) = delete;
  56       //! No copy assignment 
  57       Rhs_fun& operator=(const Rhs_fun&) = delete;
  59       //! y = f(x)
  60       void evaluate(const Domain&, Range&) const;
  61       //! \copybrief evaluate()
  62       Range operator()(const Domain&) const;
  63     private:
  64       //! Current time and time step
  65       const Dune::Fem::TimeProviderBase& tp;
  66       //! Right-hand side for \f$ u\f$ or \f$ w\f$
  67       std::function<void(const Domain&,Range&)> fun_impl;
  68       //! Dynamic assert
  69       void dassert(const bool assertion, const std::string& msg);
  70     };
  72     //! Vector valued right-hand side for the mean curvature equation
  73     /*! This is my right-hand function:
  74       \f[
  75       \biggl[ k \Bigl( 1 - \frac{r(t)}{r_{end}}\Bigr) \lvert X \rvert
  76       + 2 \Bigl(\alpha k \Bigl( 1 - \frac{r(t)}{r_{end}}\Bigr) 
  77       + \varepsilon \Bigr) \frac{1}{\lvert X \rvert} 
  78       - \delta xy e^{-6t}\biggr]
  79       \f]
  80       Currently I am testing.  So, I use an easier right-hand side.
  81       I am doing classic mean curvature flow on the sphere.  
  82       Right-hand side must be zero for this example.  Also I expect
  83       unit sphere as starting value, alpha = 0 and epsilon = 1.
  85       Old test, which I want to check again later: 
  86       - \f$ \surface_0 = S^2\f$ 
  87       - Exact flow: \f$ \Phi(x,t) = e^{-t} x\f$
  88       - Velocity: \f$ v(x,t) = -x\f$ 
  89       - Normal: \f$ n = x/ |x|\f$
  90       - Mean curvature: \f$ H = 2/ |x|\f$
  91       - \f$\delta = \varepsilon = 0\f$, hence the operator is
  92       \f[
  93       v - \alpha \Delta v = g(x,t) = -(1 + \alpha 2/ |x|^2) x.
  94       \f]
  95       \todo Finish test and clean up comments.
  96      */
  97     class Vec_rhs_fun
  98       :public Dune::Fem::Function
  99     <Esfem::Grid::Grid_and_time::Vec_Function_space, Vec_rhs_fun>
 100     {
 101     public:
 102       //! Template argument
 103       using Base = Esfem::Grid::Grid_and_time::Vec_Function_space;
 104       //! \f$ \R^3 \f$
 105       using Domain = Base::DomainType;
 106       //! \f$ \R^3 \f$
 107       using Range = Base::RangeType;
 109       static_assert(Domain::dimension == 3, "Bad Domain dimension");
 110       static_assert(Range::dimension == 3, "Bad Range dimension");
 112       //! Get time and time step
 113       /*! \copydetails Rhs_fun::Rhs_fun() */
 114       explicit Vec_rhs_fun(const Dune::Fem::TimeProviderBase&);
 115       //! No copy construct
 116       Vec_rhs_fun(const Vec_rhs_fun&) = delete;
 117       //! No copy assignment
 118       Vec_rhs_fun& operator=(const Vec_rhs_fun&) = delete;
 120       //! \copybrief Rhs_fun::evaluate()
 121       void evaluate(const Domain&, Range&) const;
 122       //! \copybrief evaluate()
 123       Range operator()(const Domain&) const;
 124     private:
 125       //! Time and time step
 126       const Dune::Fem::TimeProviderBase& tp;
 127       //! \f$\alpha \Delta v\f$
 128       double alpha;
 129       //! \f$ \varepsilon \Delta X\f$
 130       double epsilon;
 131       //! Initial size of sphere
 132       double r_start;
 133       //! Final size of sphere
 134       double r_end;
 135       //! Steepness of logistic growh
 136       double k;
 137       //! \f$\delta u\f$
 138       double delta;
 139       //! Helper variable, which save computations
 140       mutable double cache[4];
 141       //! Conditional update member `cache`
 142       /*! `cache[0]` holds the last time.  If the current time does not equals `cache[0]`,
 143         then update the cache.  The content of cache is 
 144         - `cache[0] = tp.time()`,
 145         - \f$ k( 1 - \frac{r(t)}{r_{end}})\f$, 
 146         - \f$2 ( \alpha k( 1 - \frac{r(t)}{r_{end}}) + \varepsilon)\f$, 
 147         - \f$\delta e^{-6t}\f$,
 149         where \f$r(t) = \frac{r_{end}r_0}{r_{end} e^{-kt} + r_0 (1 - e^{-kt})}\f$
 150       */      
 151       void update_cache() const;
 152     };    
 154     //! Right-hand side for surface logistic sphere experiment
 155     /*! \pre Use evaluate() on the exact surface.  
 156       I assume that it is a sphere, such that \f$ r(t) = |x|\f$.
 157       \sa Esfem::Brusselator_scheme::eoc_sls() */
 158     struct sls_rhs 
 159       : Dune::Fem::Function
 160          <Esfem::Grid::Grid_and_time::Vec_Function_space, sls_rhs>,
 161         SecOrd_op::vRhs{
 162       //! Dune function 
 163       using dBase = Esfem::Grid::Grid_and_time::Vec_Function_space;
 164       //! \f$ \R^3\f$
 165       using dom = dBase::DomainType;
 166       //! \f$ \R^3\f$
 167       using ran = dBase::RangeType;
 168       //! For my generic algorithm
 169       using Range = ran;
 171       //! Get time and finit element space
 172       /*! \post Grid and time outlive this object. */
 173       sls_rhs(const Grid::Grid_and_time&);
 174       sls_rhs* clone() override{ return new sls_rhs {*this}; }
 175       void addScaled_to(Grid::Vec_FEfun& rhs) override;
 176       //! Needed for interpolation 
 177       ran operator()(const dom&) const;
 178     private:
 179       //! Manifold dimension
 180       static constexpr int dim {2};
 181       //! Time step
 182       const Dune::Fem::TimeProviderBase& tp;      
 183       //! Load vector
 184       Esfem::Grid::Vec_FEfun::Dune_FEfun lvec;
 185       //! Initial radius (population)
 186       double rA;
 187       //! Carrying capacity
 188       double rE;
 189       //! \f$\alpha\f$
 190       double a;
 191       //! \f$\varepsilon\f$
 192       double e;
 193       //! Growth rate
 194       double k;
 195       //! Growth rate scalar function
 196       double delta;
 197     };
 199     //! Right-hand side for surface Dalquist test equation
 200     /*! \pre Grid_and_time must outlive this object.
 201       \sa Esfem::Brusselator_scheme::sd() */
 202     struct sd_rhs
 203       : Dune::Fem::Function
 204          <Esfem::Grid::Grid_and_time::Vec_Function_space, sd_rhs>,
 205         SecOrd_op::vRhs{
 206       //! Dune function 
 207       using dBase = Esfem::Grid::Grid_and_time::Vec_Function_space;
 208       //! \f$ \R^3\f$
 209       using dom = dBase::DomainType;
 210       //! \f$ \R^3\f$
 211       using ran = dBase::RangeType;
 212       //! For my generic algorithm
 213       using Range = ran;
 215       //! Get time and finit element space
 216       /*! \post Grid and time outlive this object. */
 217       sd_rhs(const Grid::Grid_and_time&);
 218       sd_rhs* clone() override{ return new sd_rhs {*this}; }
 219       void addScaled_to(Grid::Vec_FEfun& rhs) override;
 220       //! Needed for interpolation 
 221       ran operator()(const dom&) const;
 222     private:
 223       //! Manifold dimension
 224       static constexpr int dim {2};
 225       //! Time step
 226       const Dune::Fem::TimeProviderBase& tp;      
 227       //! Load vector
 228       Esfem::Grid::Vec_FEfun::Dune_FEfun lvec;
 229       //! \f$\alpha\f$
 230       double a;
 231       //! \f$\varepsilon\f$
 232       double e;
 233     };    
 235     //! Right-hand side for surface logistic sphere experiment
 236     /*! \pre Use evaluate() on the exact surface.  
 237       I assume that it is a sphere, such that \f$ r(t) = |x|\f$.
 238       \sa Esfem::Brusselator_scheme::eoc_sls() */
 239     struct sdp_u_rhs 
 240       : Dune::Fem::Function
 241          <Esfem::Grid::Grid_and_time::Function_space, sdp_u_rhs>,
 242         SecOrd_op::sRhs{
 243       //! Dune function 
 244       using dBase = Esfem::Grid::Grid_and_time::Function_space;
 245       //! \f$ \R^3\f$
 246       using dom = dBase::DomainType;
 247       //! \f$ \R\f$
 248       using ran = dBase::RangeType;
 249       //! For my generic algorithm
 250       using Range = ran;
 252       //! Get time and finit element space
 253       /*! \post Grid and time outlive this object. */
 254       sdp_u_rhs(const Grid::Grid_and_time&);
 255       sdp_u_rhs* clone() override{ return new sdp_u_rhs {*this}; }
 256       void addScaled_to(Grid::Scal_FEfun& rhs) override;
 257       //! Needed for interpolation 
 258       ran operator()(const dom&) const;
 259     private:
 260       //! Manifold dimension
 261       static constexpr int dim {2};
 262       //! Time step
 263       const Dune::Fem::TimeProviderBase& tp; 
 264       //! Load vector
 265       Esfem::Grid::Scal_FEfun::Dune_FEfun lscal;
 266       //! Initial radius (population)
 267       double rA;
 268       //! Carrying capacity
 269       double rE;
 270       //! Growth rate
 271       double k;
 272     };
 274     //! Assemble load vector
 275     /*! \tparam Rhs Deduce Rhs_fun or Vec_rhs_fun
 276       \tparam Fef Deduce 
 277       Scal_FEfun::Dune_FEfun or Vec_FEfun::Dune_FEfun
 278      */
 279     template<typename Rhs, typename Fef>
 280     void assemble_RHS(const Rhs& rhs, Fef& fef);
 281   } // namespace Impl
 283   //! %Data details of Rhs
 284   struct SecOrd_op::Rhs::Data{
 285     //! Time and time step
 286     const Dune::Fem::TimeProviderBase& tp;
 287     //! Scalar valued right-hand side function 
 288     Impl::Rhs_fun rhs;
 289     //! Finite element load vector
 290     Esfem::Grid::Scal_FEfun::Dune_FEfun load_vector;
 292     //! Get space-time manifold and finite element space
 293     Data(const Grid::Grid_and_time&, const Growth);
 294   };
 296   //! %Data details of Vec_rhs
 297   struct SecOrd_op::Vec_rhs::Data{
 298     //! \copybrief Rhs::Data::tp
 299     const Dune::Fem::TimeProviderBase& tp;
 300     //! Vector valued right-hand side function
 301     Impl::Vec_rhs_fun rhs;
 302     //! \copybrief Rhs::Data::load_vector
 303     Esfem::Grid::Vec_FEfun::Dune_FEfun load_vector;
 305     //! \copybrief Rhs::Data::Data()
 306     Data(const Grid::Grid_and_time&);
 307   };
 308 } // namespace Esfem
 310 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 311 // Template implementation
 313 template<typename Rhs, typename Fef>
 314 void Esfem::Impl::assemble_RHS(const Rhs& rhs, Fef& fef){
 315   using Range = typename Rhs::Range;
 316   using Grid_part = typename Fef::GridPartType;
 317   using Quadrature = Dune::Fem::CachingQuadrature<Grid_part, 0>;
 319   fef.clear();
 320   const auto& df_space =;
 321   for(const auto& entity : df_space){
 322     const auto& geometry = entity.geometry();
 323     const Quadrature quad {entity, 2 * df_space.order() + 1};
 324     auto fef_local = fef.localFunction(entity);
 325     for(std::size_t pt = 0; pt < quad.nop(); ++pt){
 326       const auto& x = quad.point(pt);
 327       Range fx {rhs(};
 328       // rhs.evaluate(, fx);
 329       fx *= quad.weight(pt) * geometry.integrationElement(x);
 330       fef_local.axpy(quad[pt], fx);
 331     }  
 332   }
 333   fef.communicate();    
 334 }
 336 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 337 // Inline implementation
 339 inline void Esfem::Impl::Rhs_fun::evaluate(const Domain& d, Range& r) const{
 340   fun_impl(d,r);
 341 }
 342 inline Esfem::Impl::Rhs_fun::Range
 343 Esfem::Impl::Rhs_fun::operator()(const Domain& d) const{
 344   Range r {0};
 345   evaluate(d,r);
 346   return r;
 347 }
 349 #endif // SECORD_OP_RHS_IMPL_H

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