Uni Tuebingen
Numerical Analysis Groups
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Übungen zur Theory of Statistical Learning for Nonparametric Regression 1


11.03.24 The homepage is online. Further information will be added in the near future.

Important Links

Lecture dates

The lecture takes place on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12 to 2 pm in N14 and starts on Monday, 15 April.


Please register for the turorial in the URM. The tutorial takes place in room S06 on Tuesdays from 8 to 10 am.

Programming Course

The programming course takes place in room S06 on Fridays from 8 to 10 am. Please register for the programming course via moodle.


Exercise sheets

Every week, the exercise sheets are published here.


Contact person

If you have any questions, write me (armin.beck(at)student.uni-tuebingen.de) or visit me (C2A46).


Last modified: Monday, 01-Jul-2024 15:19:49 CEST, Webmaster