
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. print
  2. calculate_velocity
  3. next_timeStep
  4. prePattern_timeSteps
  5. pattern_timeSteps
  6. time_steps

   1 /*! \file brusselator_algo.h
   2     \brief Numerical experiment for the solution driven paper
   4      Revision history
   5      --------------------------------------------------
   7           Revised by Christian Power June 2016
   8           Revised by Christian Power May 2016
   9           Revised by Christian Power April 2016
  10           Revised by Christian Power March 2016
  11           Originally written by Christian Power
  12                ( February 2016
  14      Idea
  15      --------------------------------------------------
  17      This header provides model classes and operator classes to solve 
  18      a tumor growth model proposed by Elliott and Styles via the ESFEM.
  19      Enter path to writable directory in the macro variable FEF_PATH.
  21     \author Christian Power
  22     \date 7. June 2016
  23     \copyright Copyright (c) 2016 Christian Power.  All rights reserved.
  24  */
  27 #define BRUSSELATOR_ALGO_H 
  29 #include <memory>
  30 #include <string>
  31 #include "esfem.h"
  33 #ifndef FEF_PATH
  34 #error Give full path to folder in FEF_PATH
  35 #endif 
  37 namespace Esfem{
  38   //! ESFEM algorithm.  Only this should be invoked by main.
  39   /*! \param argc `argc` from `main`
  40     \param[in] argv `argv` from `main`
  41    */
  42   void brusselator_algo(int argc, char** argv);
  44   //! Implementation of the Elliott and Styles full discretization of the tumor problem
  45   /*!
  46      Partial differential equation
  47      ==================================================
  49      Parameter
  50      --------------------------------------------------
  52      - \f$a,b, D_{c} \in \R\f$ for the scalar equation with  
  53        \f$\gamma \sim \vol(\surface)\f$.
  54      - \f$\varepsilon, \delta, \alpha \in \R\f$ for the surface equation, where 
  55        \f$\varepsilon\f$ and \f$\alpha\f$ are small regularization parameter.
  57      Smooth problem
  58      --------------------------------------------------
  60      Find \f$u\colon \surface \to \R\f$ (growth-promoting), 
  61      \f$w\colon \surface \to \R\f$ (growth-inhibiting) and
  62      \f$X\colon \surface_{0} \times [0,T] \to \R^{m+1}\f$ such that
  63      \f{gather*}{
  64        \matd u + u \diver(v) - \laplaceBeltrami u = f_1(u,w) + f_{(1)}, \\
  65        \matd w + w \diver(v) - D_c \laplaceBeltrami w = f_2(u,w) + f_{(2)},
  66      \f}
  67      where for \f$f_1,\, f_2\f$ we use the Brusselator model
  68      \f{equation*}{
  69        f_1(u,w) = \gamma (a - u + u^2 w) \quad \land \quad f_2(u,w)
  70        = \gamma (b - u^2 w),
  71      \f}
  72      and \f$ f_{(1)}\f$ and \f$ f_{(2)}\f$ are some forcing terms,
  73      and for the surface 
  74      \f{align*}{
  75        v - \alpha \laplaceBeltrami v = {} &  
  76        \parentheses[\big]{\varepsilon (-\meanCurvature) + \delta u} \surfaceNormal 
  77        + g
  78        = \varepsilon \laplaceBeltrami X + \delta u \surfaceNormal + g, \\
  79        \dell_{t} X = {} & v(X),
  80      \f}
  81      where \f$ g\f$ is a forcing term.
  83      Finite element discretization
  84      --------------------------------------------------
  86      Find \f$\nodalValue{u}\colon I \to \R^{N}\f$ (growth-promoting nodal values), 
  87      \f$\nodalValue{w}\colon I \to \R^{N}\f$ (growth-inhibiting 
  88      nodal values) and 
  89      \f$\nodalValue{X}\colon I \to \R^{3N}\f$ (surface nodal values) such that
  90      \f{gather*}{
  91        \parentheses[\big]{M(X) + \alpha A(X)} \dell_t X = 
  92        -\varepsilon A(X)X + \delta M(u,\nodalValue{\surfaceNormal})
  93        + G, \\
  94        \dell_t \parentheses[\big]{M(X) \nodalValue{u} } + A(X) \nodalValue{u}
  95        = \gamma \parentheses[\big]{a M(X) \nodalValue{1} 
  96        - M(X)\nodalValue{u}
  97        + M(X; \nodalValue{u},\nodalValue{w}) \nodalValue{u}}
  98        + F_{(1)} \\
  99        \dell_t \parentheses[\big]{M(X) \nodalValue{w}} 
 100        + D_c A(X) \nodalValue{w}
 101        = \gamma \parentheses[\big]{b M(X) \nodalValue{1} 
 102        - M(X; \nodalValue{u},\nodalValue{u}) \nodalValue{w}}
 103        + F_{(2)}.
 104      \f}
 105      We note that instead of the \f$ L^2\f$-projection we use the interpolation
 106      of \f$ g\f$, \f$ f_{(1)}\f$ respectively \f$ f_{(2)}\f$. 
 108      Full discretization (Elliott+Styles discretization)
 109      --------------------------------------------------
 111      We perform three steps.
 113      1. Given \f$\nodalValue{X}^n,\, \nodalValue{u}^n,\, \nodalValue{w}^n\f$
 114         solve for \f$\nodalValue{X}^{n+1}\f$
 115         \f{equation*}{
 116           \parentheses[\big]{M_3^n + (\alpha + \varepsilon\tau) A_3^n}
 117           \nodalValue{X}^{n+1} 
 118           =  (M_3^n + \alpha A_3^n) \nodalValue{X}^n
 119           + \tau \delta M_3^n(\nodalValue{u}^n, 
 120           \nodalValue{\surfaceNormal}) + \tau G^n,
 121         \f}
 122        where \f$\nodalValue{\surfaceNormal}^n\f$ is elementwise normal.  
 123      2. Given \f$\nodalValue{X}^{n+1},\, \nodalValue{u}^n,\, \nodalValue{w}^n\f$
 124         solve for \f$\nodalValue{u}^{n+1}\f$
 125         \f{equation*}{
 126           (1+ \tau \gamma) (M\nodalValue{u})^{n+1} + \tau (A \nodalValue{u})^{n+1}
 127           - \tau \gamma M^{n+1}(\nodalValue{u}^n, \nodalValue{w}^n)
 128           \nodalValue{u}^{n+1}
 129           = (M\nodalValue{u})^n + \tau \gamma a M^{n+1} \nodalValue{1}
 130           + \tau F^{n+1}_{(1)},
 131         \f} 
 132        where \f$M(a,b)\f$ a \f$4\f$ tensor is, namely 
 133        \f$M_{ijkl} = \int \chi_i \chi_j \chi_k \chi_l\f$ 
 134        and \f$\nodalValue{1}\f$ means the 
 135        constant \f$1\f$ finite element function.
 136      3. Given \f$\nodalValue{X}^{n+1},\, \nodalValue{u}^{n+1},\,
 137         \nodalValue{w}^n\f$
 138         solve for \f$\nodalValue{w}^{n+1}\f$
 139         \f{equation*}{
 140           (M\nodalValue{w})^{n+1} + \tau D_c (A \nodalValue{w})^{n+1} 
 141           + \tau \gamma M^{n+1}(\nodalValue{u}^{n+1}, \nodalValue{u}^{n+1})
 142           \nodalValue{w}^{n+1}
 143           = (M \nodalValue{w})^n + \tau \gamma b M^{n+1} \nodalValue{1}
 144           + \tau F^{n+1}_{(2)}.
 145         \f}
 146    */
 147   class Brusselator_scheme{
 148   public:
 149     Brusselator_scheme(int argc, char** argv,
 150                        const std::string& parameter_fname);
 151     /*!< \brief The constructor that also performs the
 152                 first part before the loop enters
 153       \param argc `argc` from `main`
 154       \param[in] argv `argv` from `main`
 155       \param parameter_fname Preferable absolute path to parameter file.
 156       \warning Absolute path differs on different operating systems.
 157      */
 159     /*! \name Prescribed ESFEM */
 160     //@{
 161     //! Standard Dziuk Elliott evolving surface finite element method 
 162     void standard_esfem();
 163     //@}
 165     //! Experiment, where right-hand side is calculated for a known solution
 166     /*! As exact solution for the scalar valued surface equation I chose
 167     \f{equation*}{
 168      u(x,y,z,t) = x y e^{-6t} \quad \text{and}\quad
 169      w(x,y,z,t) = y z e^{-6t}.
 170     \f}
 171     For the surface evolution I chose
 172     \f{equation*}{
 173      \Phi(x,t) := r(t) x, \quad
 174      r(t) := \frac{r_{end} r_0}{r_{end} e^{-kt} + r_0 (1-e^{-kt})},
 175     \f}
 176     where \f$ r(t)\f$ is the logistic growth function, which satisfies the
 177     following ODE
 178     \f{equation*}{
 179      \dot{r} = k \Bigl( 1 - \frac{r}{r_{end}}\Bigr) r,\quad r(0) = r_0.
 180     \f}
 181     From this it follows easily that the velocity is given by
 182     \f{equation*}{
 183      v(x,t) = k \Bigl(1 - \frac{r}{r_{end}}\Bigr) x.
 184     \f}
 185     */
 186     void eoc_logisticSphere();
 188     //! Dziuk mean curvature flow ESFEM
 189     /*! (This is not any more true) Experiment reads as follows: 
 190       Stationary surface \f$\surface = S^2\f$
 191       with exact solution \f$X=e^{-t}(xy, yz, xz)\f$,  with the formula
 192       \f[
 193       \Delta f = \Delta_{\R^{n+1}} f - H D_{\R^{n+1}} f \cdot n 
 194       - D^2_{\R^{n+1}} f(n,n),
 195       \f]
 196       and 
 197       \f[
 198       H = div(n) = \frac{n}{|x|}
 199       \f]
 200       one easily sees
 201       \f[
 202       \Delta(xy) = -\frac{2n+2}{|x|^2} xy, 
 203       \f]
 204       which implies that the right-hand side of the surface PDE vanishes. 
 205     */
 206     void eoc_mcf();
 208     //! Sphere Dalquist
 209     /*! Initial surface is unit sphere in \f$\R^3\f$.  Exact solution is
 210      \f[
 211      \Phi(x,t) := r(t)x,\quad r(t):= e^t
 212      \f]
 213      The PDE is 
 214      \f[
 215      v - \alpha \Delta v - \varepsilon \Delta x 
 216      = f(x,t) = (1 + (\alpha + \varepsilon) 2 e^{-2t})x.
 217      \f]
 218     */
 219     void sd();
 220     //! Surface logistic sphere
 221     /*! As exact solution for the surface evolution I choose
 222     \f{equation*}{
 223      \Phi(x,t) := r(t) x, \quad
 224      r(t) := \frac{r_{end} r_0}{r_{end} e^{-kt} + r_0 (1-e^{-kt})}.
 225     \f}
 226     \f$r(t)\f$ satiesfies the ODE
 227     \f[
 228     \dot{r}(t) = k \left( 1 - \frac{r(t)}{r_{end}}\right) r(t),
 229     \f]
 230     which implies for the velocity
 231     \f[
 232     v(x,t) = k \left( 1 - \frac{r(t)}{r_{end}} \right)x 
 233     =: \tilde{a} x
 234     \f]
 235     I do not consider coupling.  For the surface PDE I choose
 236     \f[
 237     v - \alpha \Delta v - \varepsilon \Delta x - \delta u \vec{n} = f,
 238     \f]
 239     where \f$f\f$ must be
 240     \f[
 241     f = \left( \tilde{a} + 
 242     \frac{(\alpha \tilde{a} + \varepsilon)H - \delta u}{|x|}\right) x,
 243     \f]
 244     where we have used \f$ \Delta x = - H \vec{n}\f$, where \f$H\f$ 
 245     is the mean curvature  
 246     (without aritmetic mean) and \f$\vec{n}\f$ is the outwards pointing normal, and 
 247     \f$ \vec{n} = \frac{x}{|x|}\f$.  It holds \f$H = \frac{n}{|x|}\f$, 
 248     where \f$n\f$ is the dimension of the sphere.  Note that \f$|x| = r(t)\f$ 
 249     on the exact surface.
 250     \sa Esfem::SecOrd_op::vRhs::new_sls(), Esfem::SecOrd_op::vIdata::new_sls()
 251     */
 252     void eoc_sls();
 254     //! EOC experiment for solution driven paper
 255     /*! As exact solution for the surface evolution I choose
 256     \f{equation*}{
 257      \Phi(x,t) := r(t) x, \quad
 258      r(t) := \frac{r_{end} r_0}{r_{end} e^{-kt} + r_0 (1-e^{-kt})}.
 259     \f}
 260     \f$r(t)\f$ satiesfies the ODE
 261     \f[
 262     \dot{r}(t) = k \left( 1 - \frac{r(t)}{r_{end}}\right) r(t),
 263     \f]
 264     which implies for the velocity
 265     \f[
 266     v(x,t) = k \left( 1 - \frac{r(t)}{r_{end}} \right)x 
 267     =: \tilde{a} x
 268     \f]
 269     As exact solution for the scalar diffusion equation I choose
 270     \f[
 271     u(x,t) := x_1 x_2 e^{-6t}.
 272     \f]
 273     The coupled PDE equations reads as
 274     \f{gather*}{
 275     \partial^{\bullet} u + u \nabla\cdot v - \Delta u = f \\
 276     v - \Delta v - \Delta X - \delta u = g,
 277     \f}
 278     where \f$g\f$ is given via
 279     \f[
 280     g = \left( \tilde{a} + 
 281     \frac{(\alpha \tilde{a} + \varepsilon)H - \delta u}{|x|}\right) x,    
 282     \f]
 283     and the complicated \f$f\f$ is computed via Sage.
 284     \pre Parameter \f$\gamma\f$ has to be zero.
 285     \sa eoc_sls(), Esfem::SecOrd_op::vRhs::new_sls(), 
 286     Esfem::SecOrd_op::sRhs::new_sdp_u(), Esfem::SecOrd_op::vIdata::new_sls(),
 287     Esfem::SecOrd_op::sIdata::new_1ssef()
 288     */
 289     void eoc_sdp();
 291     //! Run a simple test
 292     void test();
 294     /*! \name Loop action */
 295     //@{
 296     void prePattern_loop();
 297     /*!< \brief In some sense calculates the inital data for
 298                 the solution driven problem.  Starts from \f$t_0\f$.
 299      */
 300     void intermediate_action();
 301     /*!< \brief To be used between prePattern_loop()
 302                 and pattern_loop().
 304       The inital data has been created.  It will be saved
 305       and the right hand side for the surface PDE will be created. 
 306       \warning Do not use next_timeStep() afterwards.
 307      */
 308     void pattern_loop();
 309     /*!< \brief To be used in the second for-loop.
 310       If prePattern_loop() is off, then \f$t_0\f$ is here.
 312       At this stage the tumor is growing.
 313       \warning Do not use next_timeStep() afterwards.
 314      */
 315     void final_action();
 316     /*!< \brief To be used after the second for-loop to save some data. */
 317     //@}
 318   private:    
 319     struct Io{
 320       //! Functor for saving the current grid. 
 321       SecOrd_op::Identity identity {};
 323       const Esfem::Io::Dgf::Handler dgf_handler;
 324       /*!< \brief Converts finite element function into dgf file. */
 326       //! File to capture PDE parameter
 327       Esfem::Io::Error_stream para;
 328       Esfem::Io::Error_stream u;
 329       /*!< \brief File to record errors of u. */
 330       Esfem::Io::Error_stream w;
 331       /*!< \brief File to record errors of w. */
 332       //! File to plot errors in the surface
 333       Esfem::Io::Error_stream surface;
 334       //! File to plot errors in the velocity
 335       Esfem::Io::Error_stream velocity;
 337       //! Get file name for error streams.
 338       Io(const Esfem::Io::Parameter&);
 339     };
 340     /*!< \brief Shortens Brusselator_scheme().
 342       Members are used for input and output of
 343       the nodal values of the finite element functions
 344       in `fef` or to calculate \f$L^2\f$- or \f$H^1\f$-norms of the errors.
 345     */
 346     //! Initial data respectively exact solution for numerical experiments 
 347     struct Init_data{
 348       //! Initial data respectively exact solution functor for \f$u\f$ 
 349       SecOrd_op::Init_data u;
 350       //! Initial data respectively exact solution functor for \f$w\f$
 351       SecOrd_op::Init_data w;
 352       //! Interpolation functor for the exact velocity
 353       SecOrd_op::Exact_velocity v;
 354       //! Exact solution of the surface
 355       std::unique_ptr<SecOrd_op::vIdata> X_ptr;
 357       //! Provides analytically given initial data.
 358       explicit Init_data(const Grid::Grid_and_time&);
 359       //! Provides uniform distributed random inital values. 
 360       Init_data(const Grid::Grid_and_time&, const Esfem::Io::Parameter&);
 361     };
 362     struct Fef{
 363       Grid::Scal_FEfun_set u;
 364       /*!< \brief Container for growth promoting numerical solution */
 365       Grid::Scal_FEfun_set w;
 366       /*!< \brief Container for growth inhibiting numerical solution */
 367       Grid::Vec_FEfun_set surface;
 368       /*!< \brief Container for the numerical solution of the surface
 369         \warning Only this container is allowed to write into and read from
 370           a dgf file.
 371        */
 372       //! Analytically given exact velocity.
 373       Grid::Vec_FEfun_set velocity;
 374       const std::string tmpFile_path {FEF_PATH};
 375       /*!< \brief Directory which I have read and write access.
 376         \warning `FEF_PATH` is a macro variable which has be set by
 377           the makefile. 
 378        */
 379       Fef(const Grid::Grid_and_time&);
 380     };
 381     /*!< \brief Shortens Brusselator_scheme().
 383       Collects all finite element functions and serves as a
 384       backup container. 
 385       \todo Add error checking for `tmpFile_path`.
 386     */
 388     Esfem::Io::Parameter data;
 389     /*!< \brief Contains parameter from `tumor_parameter.txt`. */
 390     //! Error streams and identity functor for the surface 
 391     Io io;
 392     //! Analytically given grid with absolute time provider.
 393     Esfem::Grid::Grid_and_time fix_grid;
 394     //! Norms on the analytically given grid
 395     Esfem::Io::L2H1_calculator norm;
 396     //! Finite element functions 
 397     Fef fef;
 398     //! Exact solution for \f$u\f$, \f$w\f$ and \f$v\f$
 399     Init_data exact;
 401     // ------------------------------------------------------------
 402     // Helper member functions
 404     /*! \name Helper classes for the for-loops */
 405     //@{
 406     friend class PreLoop_helper;
 407     /*!< \brief Used in pre_loop_action(). */
 408     friend class PrePattern_helper;
 409     /*!< \brief Used in prePattern_loop(). */
 410     friend class Pattern_helper;
 411     /*!< \brief Used in pattern_loop(). */
 412     friend class RhsAndSolve_helper;
 413     /*!< \brief Used in rhs_and_solve_SPDE(). */
 414     //@}
 416     //! Assign a new value to `fef.surface.exact` and ``
 417     void update_surface();
 418     //! Assign a new value to `fef.u.exact` and `fef.w.exact`
 419     void update_scalar_solution();
 421     //! Lifted printing 
 422     template<class F>
 423     void print(Esfem::Io::Error_stream& os, const F& fem){
 424       os << fix_grid.time_provider().deltaT() << ' '
 425          << norm.l2_err(, fem.exact) << ' '
 426          << norm.h1_err(, fem.exact) << std::endl;
 427     }
 429     //! Calculate the velocity via simple differential quotient
 430     /*! \param[in] xn_first Iterator to first point of the new surface
 431       \param[in] xn_last Iterator to last point of the new surface
 432       \param[in] xo_first Iterator to first point of the previous surface
 433       \param[out] v_first Iterator to the first value of the velocity
 434       \pre Both `xo_first` and `v_first` point to as many elements as 
 435       `xn_first` does. 
 436     */
 437     template<class It1, class It2>
 438     void calculate_velocity(It1 xn_first, It1 xn_last, It1 xo_first, It2 v_first){
 439       const double dT = fix_grid.time_provider().deltaT();
 440       for(; xn_first != xn_last; ++xn_first, ++xo_first, ++v_first)
 441         *v_first = (*xn_first - *xo_first)/dT;
 442     }
 445     //! Plot error of `fef` on the interpolated surface
 446     /*! \pre The exact solution has been updated.
 447       \sa update_exact_surface(), update_exact_velocity(),
 448        update_scalar_solution() 
 449     */
 450     void error_on_intSurface();
 452     //! Constructor helper
 453     /*! \pre Should only be invoked by Brusselator_scheme().*/
 454     void pre_loop_action();
 455     //! Helper for pattern_loop().
 456     /*! Generates first part of the right-hand side for the scalar
 457       SPDE.  Then solves the vector SPDE and prints out a dgf file.
 458      */
 459     void rhs_and_solve_SPDE();
 461     /*! \name Flow control */
 462     //@{ 
 463     void next_timeStep(); 
 464     /*!< \brief Increments the next time step in `fix_grid`. */
 465     long prePattern_timeSteps() const; 
 466     /*!< \brief Maximum number of time steps for prePattern_loop(). */
 467     long pattern_timeSteps() const; 
 468     /*!< \brief Maximum number of time steps for pattern_loop(). */
 469     //! Absolute number of time steps 
 470     long time_steps() const;
 471     //@}
 472   };
 474   // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 475   // Inline implementation
 477   inline void Brusselator_scheme::next_timeStep(){
 478     fix_grid.next_timeStep(data.global_timeStep());
 479   }
 480   inline long Brusselator_scheme::prePattern_timeSteps() const{
 481     return data.prePattern_timeSteps();
 482   }
 483   inline long Brusselator_scheme::pattern_timeSteps() const{
 484     return data.pattern_timeSteps();
 485   }
 486   inline long Brusselator_scheme::time_steps() const{
 487     return data.max_timeSteps();
 488   }
 489 }
 491 #endif // BRUSSELATOR_ALGO_H

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