
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. step_
  2. prefix
  3. nonlinear_algorithm

   1 /*********************************************************************
   2  *  dune_heat_algorithm.hpp                                          *
   3  *                                                                   *
   4  *  This header constains the algorithm and an auxiliar class which  *
   5  *  where original in the file                               *
   6  *                                                                   *
   7  *  Revision history:                                                *
   8  *  none                                                             *
   9  *                                                                   *
  10  *                                                                   *
  11  *  Created by Christian Power on 19.06.14.                          *
  12  *  Copyright (c) 2014 Christian Power. All rights reserved.         *
  13  *                                                                   *
  14  *********************************************************************/
  19 #include <algorithm>
  21 // local includes
  22 #include "dune_typedef_heat.hpp"
  23 // #include "/Users/christianpower/cpp/ODE_Solver/implicit_euler.h"
  24 #include "/Users/christianpower/cpp/ODE_Solver/bdf.h"
  25 #include "w1i_norm.hh"
  27 // Remember: For every experiment modify
  28 //      in 'heat.hh'
  29 //      - RHSfunction
  30 //      - InitialData
  31 //      - HeatModel
  32 // in 'elliptic.hh'
  33 //      - EllipticOperator
  34 // in 'deformation.hh'
  35 //      - DeformationCoordFunction
  37 struct DataOutputParameters:
  38   public Dune::Fem::
  39   LocalParameter<Dune::Fem::DataOutputParameters, DataOutputParameters> {
  40   DataOutputParameters(const std::string name, const int step)
  41     : name_(name), step_( step )
  42   {}
  43   DataOutputParameters(const DataOutputParameters& other)
  44     : step_( other.step_ )
  45   {}
  46   std::string prefix() const {
  47     std::stringstream s;
  48     // s << "ALE_LiteratureExample-" << step_ << "-";
  49     s << name_ << step_ << "-";
  50     return s.str();
  51   }
  52 private:
  53   std::string name_;
  54   int step_;
  55 };
  57 // begin 2014nonlinear experiment
  58 void BDF::nonlinear_algorithm(){
  59   // get time from parameter file
  60   double t_0 = 
  61     Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue<double>("heat.starttime",0.0);
  62   double dT = 
  63     Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue<double>("heat.timestep",0.1);
  64   double        t_end = 
  65     Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue<double>("heat.endtime",0.6);
  66   const int time_step_no_max = (t_end - t_0)/dT + .1;
  68   // setting up BDF coefficients
  69   const int bdf_no =
  70     Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue<double>("heat.bdf", 1);
  71   const std::vector<double> bdf_alpha_coeff { NUMERIK::bdf_alpha_coeff(bdf_no) };
  72   const std::vector<double> bdf_gamma_coeff { NUMERIK::bdf_gamma_coeff(bdf_no) };
  73   // bdf_*_coeff.back() is the lead coefficient of the polynomial
  75   // debugging: print BDF coeffs
  76   // for(double d : bdf_gamma_coeff)
  77   //    std::cout << d << ' ';
  78   // std::cout << std::endl;
  79   // for(double d : bdf_alpha_coeff)
  80   //    std::cout << d << ' ';
  81   // std::cout << '\n' << bdf_alpha_coeff.back() << std::endl;
  83   // prepare grid from DGF file
  84   const std::string gridkey =
  85     Dune::Fem::IOInterface::defaultGridKey( GridType::dimension );
  86   const std::string gridfile =
  87     Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue< std::string >( gridkey );
  88   if( Dune::Fem::MPIManager::rank() == 0 )
  89     std::cout << "Loading macro grid: " << gridfile << std::endl;
  90   Dune::GridPtr< HostGridType > hostGrid {gridfile};
  91   hostGrid ->loadBalance();
  93   // create grid
  94   DeformationCoordFunction deformation {};
  95   GridType grid(*hostGrid, deformation);
  96   GridPartType gridPart(grid);
  97   DiscreteFunctionSpaceType dfSpace(gridPart);
  99   Dune::Fem::GridTimeProvider<GridType> timeProvider(t_0, grid);
 100   deformation.set_time_provider(timeProvider);
 102   // create FE-functions
 103   DiscreteFunctionType U_np1("U_np1", dfSpace); // Numerical solution
 104   // In a math book U_np1 == U_n+1.  
 105   DiscreteFunctionType rhs("rhs", dfSpace);     // Right hand side for the LES
 106   DiscreteFunctionType load_vector("load_vector", dfSpace);
 107   DiscreteFunctionType xi("xi", dfSpace);       // For the lineary implicit BDF method
 108   DiscreteFunctionType exact_solution("exact_solution", dfSpace);       
 109   DiscreteFunctionType err_vec("dof_U_np1_minus_exact_solution", dfSpace);
 110   // Holds U_np1 - exact_solution
 111   std::vector<DiscreteFunctionType> prev_steps_U_nmk;   // All previous U_{n-k}
 112   for(int i = 0; i < bdf_no; ++i)
 113     prev_steps_U_nmk.push_back( DiscreteFunctionType 
 114                                 {"U_nm" + std::to_string(bdf_no - (i+1)), dfSpace} );
 115   std::vector<DiscreteFunctionType> prev_steps_M_U_nmk; // All previous M_U_{n-k}
 116   for(int i = 0; i < bdf_no; ++i)
 117     prev_steps_M_U_nmk.push_back( DiscreteFunctionType 
 118                                   {"M_U_nm" + std::to_string(bdf_no - (i+1)), dfSpace});
 120   // stupid check
 121   if(prev_steps_U_nmk.size() != prev_steps_M_U_nmk.size())
 122     throw std::runtime_error("ERROR in bdf_cycle().");
 124   // File output
 125   L2NormType l2norm(gridPart);
 126   H1NormType h1norm(gridPart);
 127   std::ofstream l2h1error_ofs
 128   {Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue<std::string>("", 
 129                                                "../output/l2h1error"),
 130       std::ios_base::app};
 131   // Paraview output
 132   IOTupleType ioTuple(&err_vec);
 133   const int step = 0;   // is there any resonable choice, whitout adaptivity?
 134   DataOutputType 
 135     dataOutput(grid, ioTuple, 
 136                DataOutputParameters(Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue<std::string>
 137                                     ("",
 138                                      "../output/ALE_LiteratureExample-"),
 139                                     step) );
 140   // helper function for 'err_vec'
 141   auto calc_err_vec = [&U_np1, &exact_solution, &err_vec]{
 142     err_vec.assign(U_np1);
 143     err_vec.axpy((-1.), exact_solution);
 144   };
 146   InitialDataType initialData {timeProvider};
 147   RHSFunctionType f {timeProvider};
 148   NonlinearModel model {timeProvider};
 149   NonlinearOperator ellipticOp {xi, model, bdf_alpha_coeff.back()};
 150   const double solverEps =
 151     Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue<double>("heat.solvereps", 1e-8); 
 152   LinearInverseOperatorType solver(ellipticOp, solverEps, solverEps);   // CG-solver
 154   auto write_error = [&](std::ostream& os)
 155   // helper function for 'l2h1error_ofs'
 156     {
 157       calc_err_vec();
 158       os << std::defaultfloat << timeProvider.deltaT() << ' '
 159       << std::scientific 
 160       << linfty_norm(err_vec) << ' '
 161       << w1infty_norm(err_vec)
 162       << std::endl;
 164       // this works!
 165       // calc_err_vec();
 166       // os << std::defaultfloat << timeProvider.deltaT() << ' ' 
 167       // << std::scientific 
 168       // << l2norm.norm(err_vec) << ' '
 169       // << h1norm.norm(err_vec) << std::endl;
 171       // 2014linfty version
 172       // os << std::defaultfloat << timeProvider.deltaT() << ' ' 
 173       // << std::scientific 
 174       // << l2norm.distance(exact_solution, U_np1) << ' '
 175       // << h1norm.distance(exact_solution, U_np1) << std::endl;
 176     };
 178   // initial steps
 179   timeProvider.init(dT);     // Do your first action before you enter the for loop.
 180   int time_step_no = 0;
 182   // debugging
 183   // std::cout << "\n=========="  << std::endl;
 185   // initialize 'prev_steps_U_nmk' and 'prev_steps_M_U_mmk'
 186   for(;
 187       time_step_no < std::min(prev_steps_U_nmk.size(), size_t(time_step_no_max));
 188       ++time_step_no,{
 190     // debugging
 191     // std::cout << std::defaultfloat << "time = " << timeProvider.time() 
 192     //                    << std::scientific << std::endl;
 194     InterpolationType::interpolateFunction(initialData, exact_solution);
 196     ellipticOp.mass_matrix(exact_solution,;
 198     U_np1.assign(exact_solution);
 200     // output
 201     // calc_err_vec();
 202     // dataOutput.write(timeProvider);
 203     write_error(l2h1error_ofs);
 205     // debugging
 206     // std::cout << "exact_solution = " << *exact_solution.dbegin() << '\n'
 207     //            << "U_np1 = " << *(U_np1.dbegin()) << '\n'
 208     //            << " = " 
 209     //            << *
 210     //            << std::endl;
 211   }
 213   // debugging
 214   // std::cout << "\n=========="  << std::endl;
 216   for(; 
 217       time_step_no <= time_step_no_max; 
 218, ++time_step_no){
 220     // debugging
 221     // std::cout << std::defaultfloat << "time = " << timeProvider.time() 
 222     //            << std::scientific << std::endl;
 224     // 'rhs', i.e.
 225     // calculating: rhs = (-1) · (∑ᵢ₌₁ᵏ αᵢ₋₁ (Mu)ⁿ⁻ᵏ⁺ⁱ)
 226     //                          xi = ∑ᵢ₌₁ᵏ γᵢ₋₁ uⁿ⁻ᵏ⁺ⁱ
 227     // NOTE for implicit euler: rhs = Mⁿ uⁿ and xi = uⁿ
 228     rhs.clear();        // set dof to zero
 229     // xi.clear();
 230     for(size_t i=0; i < prev_steps_U_nmk.size(); ++i){
 231       rhs.axpy(,;
 232       // xi.axpy(,;
 233       // std::cout << "rhs.axpy(, "
 234       //        " = " << *rhs.dbegin() << std::endl;
 235     }
 236     // std::cout << "xi = " << *xi.dbegin() << std::endl;
 237     rhs *= (-1);
 238     // std::cout << "rhs *= (-1) : " << *rhs.dbegin() << std::endl;
 239     assembleRHS(f, load_vector); 
 240     // std::cout << "assembleRHS(f, load_vector) = " 
 241     //            << *load_vector.dbegin() << std::endl;
 242     rhs.axpy(timeProvider.deltaT(), load_vector);
 243     // std::cout << "rhs.axpy(timeProvider.deltaT(), load_vector) = " 
 244     //            << *rhs.dbegin() << std::endl;
 246     // 'solver'
 247     solver(rhs, U_np1);
 248     // std::cout << "solver(rhs, U_np1) = " << *U_np1.dbegin() << std::endl;
 250     // cycle bdf values
 251     for(size_t i=0; i < prev_steps_U_nmk.size() - 1; ++i){
 254     }
 255     prev_steps_U_nmk.back().assign(U_np1);
 256     ellipticOp.mass_matrix(U_np1, prev_steps_M_U_nmk.back());
 258     // output
 259     InterpolationType::interpolateFunction(initialData, exact_solution);                
 260     write_error(l2h1error_ofs);
 261     // calc_err_vec();
 262     // dataOutput.write(timeProvider);
 263     // if(time_step_no == time_step_no_max){
 264     // std::cout << std::defaultfloat
 265     //            << "Time = " << timeProvider.time() 
 266     //            << std::scientific << std::endl;
 267     // InterpolationType::interpolateFunction(initialData, exact_solution);             
 268     // write_error(l2h1error_ofs);
 269     // write_error(std::cout);
 270     // }
 272     // debugging
 273     // std::cout << "U_np1 = " << *U_np1.dbegin()
 274     //            << "\n----------" << std::endl;
 275   }
 276   l2h1error_ofs.close();
 277 }
 278 // end 2014nonlinear experiment
 281 // // begin paperALE experiment
 282 // 
 283 // // This has to be modified for the ODE solver
 284 // struct EigenFullPivLuSolv{
 285 //      Eigen::Vector3d linear_solve(const Eigen::Matrix3d& A, 
 286 //                                                               const Eigen::Vector3d& b) const {
 287 //              return A.fullPivLu().solve(b);  
 288 //      }
 289 // };
 290 // struct EigenNorm{
 291 //      double norm(const Eigen::Vector3d& v) const {
 292 //              return v.norm();
 293 //      }
 294 // };
 295 // struct SurfaceVectorfield{
 296 //      void set_time(const double time) { t = time; }
 297 //      double get_time() { return t; }
 298 //      Eigen::Vector3d evaluate(const Eigen::Vector3d vec) const {
 299 //              double x = vec(0), y = vec(1), z = vec(2);
 300 //              return Eigen::Vector3d { 
 301 //                      16.*M_PI*pow(x,3)*cos(2*M_PI*t)/( (pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) + 16.*pow(x,2)/pow(sin(2.*M_PI*t) + 4.,2) )*pow(sin(2.*M_PI*t) + 4.,3) ), 
 302 //                              4.*M_PI*pow(x,2)*y*cos(2*M_PI*t)/((pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) + 16.*pow(x,2)/pow(sin(2.*M_PI*t) + 4.,2) )*pow(sin(2.*M_PI*t) + 4.,2)),
 303 //                              4.*M_PI*pow(x,2)*z*cos(2.*M_PI*t)/((pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) + 16.*pow(x,2)/pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4.,2) )*pow(sin(2.*M_PI*t) + 4,2) ) };
 304 //      }
 305 //      Eigen::Matrix3d jacobian(const Eigen::Vector3d vec) const {
 306 //              double x = vec(0), y = vec(1), z = vec(2);
 307 //              Eigen::Matrix3d jac_f_t_vec;
 308 //              jac_f_t_vec << 
 309 //                      // first row
 310 //                      48*M_PI*pow(x,2)*cos(2*M_PI*t)/((pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) + 16*pow(x,2)/pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,2))*pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,3)) - 512*M_PI*pow(x,4)*cos(2*M_PI*t)/(pow(pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) + 16*pow(x,2)/pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,2),2)*pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,5)), 
 311 //                      -32*M_PI*pow(x,3)*y*cos(2*M_PI*t)/(pow(pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) + 16*pow(x,2)/pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,2),2)*pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,3)), 
 312 //                      -32*M_PI*pow(x,3)*z*cos(2*M_PI*t)/(pow(pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) + 16*pow(x,2)/pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,2),2)*pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,3)),
 313 //                      // second row
 314 //                      8*M_PI*x*y*cos(2*M_PI*t)/((pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) + 16*pow(x,2)/pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,2))*pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,2)) - 128*M_PI*pow(x,3)*y*cos(2*M_PI*t)/(pow(pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) + 16*pow(x,2)/pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,2),2)*pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,4)), 
 315 //                      -8*M_PI*pow(x,2)*pow(y,2)*cos(2*M_PI*t)/(pow(pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) + 16*pow(x,2)/pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,2),2)*pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,2)) + 4*M_PI*pow(x,2)*cos(2*M_PI*t)/((pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) + 16*pow(x,2)/pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,2))*pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,2)), 
 316 //                      -8*M_PI*pow(x,2)*y*z*cos(2*M_PI*t)/(pow(pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) + 16*pow(x,2)/pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,2),2)*pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,2)), 
 317 //                      // third row
 318 //                      8*M_PI*x*z*cos(2*M_PI*t)/((pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) + 16*pow(x,2)/pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,2))*pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,2)) - 128*M_PI*pow(x,3)*z*cos(2*M_PI*t)/(pow(pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) + 16*pow(x,2)/pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,2),2)*pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,4)), 
 319 //                      -8*M_PI*pow(x,2)*y*z*cos(2*M_PI*t)/(pow(pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) + 16*pow(x,2)/pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,2),2)*pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,2)), 
 320 //                      -8*M_PI*pow(x,2)*pow(z,2)*cos(2*M_PI*t)/(pow(pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) + 16*pow(x,2)/pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,2),2)*pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,2)) + 4*M_PI*pow(x,2)*cos(2*M_PI*t)/((pow(y,2) + pow(z,2) + 16*pow(x,2)/pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,2))*pow(sin(2*M_PI*t) + 4,2));
 321 //              return jac_f_t_vec;
 322 //      }
 323 // private:
 324 //      double t;
 325 // };
 326 // struct EigenIdMatrix3d{
 327 //      Eigen::Matrix3d identity_matrix() const { return Eigen::Matrix3d::Identity(); }
 328 // };
 329 // 
 330 // 
 331 // typedef NUMERIK::ImplicitEuler<EigenFullPivLuSolv, EigenNorm, SurfaceVectorfield, 
 332 //                                                         EigenIdMatrix3d, Eigen::Matrix3d, Eigen::Vector3d>                                           
 333 // EvoMapIntegrator;
 334 // 
 335 // void BDF::algorithm()
 336 // {
 337 //      /**********************************************************************
 338 //       * Pseudocode:
 339 //       * u⁰ = interpol(solution) >> plot
 340 //       * container = M⁰u⁰ >> save
 341 //       * for-loop n = 0 ↦ N with N·Δt + t_begin = t_end
 342 //       *  t += ∆τ (set time)
 343 //       *  tmp = container == Mⁿuⁿ
 344 //       *  rhs = fⁿ⁺¹ == load Vector
 345 //       *  tmp += Δτ · rhs (solution == Mⁿuⁿ + Δτ·rhs)
 346 //       *  uⁿ⁺¹ == solution = (Mⁿ⁺¹ + Δτ Aⁿ⁺¹)⁻¹ tmp >> save
 347 //       *  container = Mⁿ⁺¹ uⁿ⁺¹
 348 //       * end-for-loop
 349 //       *  
 350 //       **********************************************************************/
 351 //  
 352 //      // create grid from DGF file
 353 //      const std::string gridkey =
 354 //              Dune::Fem::IOInterface::defaultGridKey( GridType::dimension );
 355 //      const std::string gridfile =
 356 //              Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue< std::string >( gridkey );
 357 //      if( Dune::Fem::MPIManager::rank() == 0 )
 358 //              std::cout << "Loading macro grid: " << gridfile << std::endl;
 359 // 
 360 //      Dune::GridPtr< HostGridType > hostGrid {gridfile};
 361 //      hostGrid ->loadBalance();
 362 // 
 363 //      BDF::EvoMapType evoMap {gridfile};
 364 //      DeformationCoordFunction deformation {evoMap};
 365 //       // constructs an unsorted map with domain and range equal the vertexes from the
 366 //       // initial grid
 367 //   
 368 //      GridType grid(*hostGrid, deformation);
 369 //      GridPartType gridPart(grid);
 370 //      DiscreteFunctionSpaceType dfSpace(gridPart);
 371 // 
 372 //      L2NormType l2norm(gridPart);
 373 //      H1NormType h1norm(gridPart);
 374 //      std::ofstream l2h1error_ofs
 375 //      {Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue<std::string>("", 
 376 //                                                                                               "../output/l2h1error")};
 377 //      //std::ios_base::app};
 378 //      //l2h1error_ofs << std::scientific;
 379 //      //l2h1error_ofs << "L2Error\tH1Error" << std::scientific << std::endl;
 380 //      //std::ostringstream l2h1error_helper_oss;
 381 //      //l2h1error_helper_oss << "time\ttimestep" << std::endl;
 382 // 
 383 //      double t_0 = 
 384 //              Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue<double>("heat.starttime",0.0);
 385 //      double dT = 
 386 //              Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue<double>("heat.timestep",0.1);
 387 //      double  t_end = 
 388 //              Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue<double>("heat.endtime",0.6);
 389 //      std::cout << (t_end - t_0)/dT + .1 << std::endl;
 390 //     const int itno = (t_end - t_0)/dT + .1;
 391 // 
 392 //      Dune::Fem::GridTimeProvider< GridType > timeProvider(t_0, grid);
 393 //      timeProvider.init(dT);     // Do your first action before you enter the for loop.
 394 //      // std::cout << timeProvider.time() << '\t' 
 395 //      //                << timeProvider.deltaT() << "\tstarting action."
 396 //      //                << std::endl;
 397 //      // l2h1error_helper_oss << timeProvider.time() << '\t' 
 398 //      //                                       << timeProvider.deltaT() << "\tstarting action."
 399 //      //                                       << std::endl;
 400 // 
 401 //      DiscreteFunctionType solutionContainer( "U_nContainer", dfSpace ),
 402 //              U_n("U_n",dfSpace), rhs( "rhs", dfSpace ), tmp( "tmp", dfSpace ),
 403 //              exactSolution("exactSolution",dfSpace);
 404 //      InitialDataType initialData;
 405 //      InterpolationType::interpolateFunction( initialData, U_n );
 406 //      InterpolationType::interpolateFunction( initialData, exactSolution );
 407 //      // solutionContainer is used for higher order BDF methods,
 408 //      // U_n == uⁿ, rhs == tmp1, tmp == tmp2
 409 //      // (create discrete functions for intermediate functionals)
 410 // 
 411 //      RHSFunctionType f;
 412 //      // This expression is very long; it's literally the same f as in L(u) = f;
 413 //      // together with the function/method in rhs.hh, 
 414 // 
 415 //      IOTupleType ioTuple(&U_n);
 416 //      const int step = 0;     // is there any resonable choise, whitout adaptivity?
 417 //      DataOutputType 
 418 //              dataOutput(grid, ioTuple, 
 419 //                                 DataOutputParameters(Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue<std::string>
 420 //                                                                              ("",
 421 //                                                                               "../output/ALE_LiteratureExample-"),
 422 //                                                                              step) );
 423 // 
 424 //      auto write_error = [&](std::ostream& os){
 425 //              os << std::defaultfloat << timeProvider.time() << ' '
 426 //                 << std::scientific 
 427 //                 << l2norm.distance(exactSolution, U_n) << ' '
 428 //                 << h1norm.distance(exactSolution, U_n) << std::endl;
 429 //      };
 430 //      write_error(l2h1error_ofs);
 431 //      
 432 //      EllipticOperatorType
 433 //              ellipticOp( HeatModelType {timeProvider} );
 434 //      
 435 //      const double solverEps =
 436 //              Dune::Fem::Parameter::getValue< double >( "heat.solvereps", 1e-8 );
 437 //      LinearInverseOperatorType solver( ellipticOp, solverEps, solverEps );
 438 //      // Initializing CG-Solver
 439 //      // CAPG: it's very slow. Can't this be speed up somehow?
 440 // 
 441 //      dataOutput.write( timeProvider );
 442 // 
 443 //      ellipticOp.mass_matrix(U_n, rhs);
 444 //      // calculating: rhs = Mⁿ uⁿ  (uⁿ == solutionContainer)
 445 // 
 446 //      // std::vector<double> timecontainer, l2errorcontainer, h1errorcontainer;
 447 //      int iter = 0;
 448 //      for(; iter < itno;, ++iter)
 449 //              // put your loop-action here, but not the last action
 450 //      {
 451 //              // for debugging reasons
 452 //              // std::cout << timeProvider.time() << '\t' << timeProvider.deltaT() 
 453 //              //                << "\tfor loop action." << std::endl;
 454 //              // l2h1error_helper_oss << timeProvider.time() << '\t' << timeProvider.deltaT() 
 455 //              //                                       << "\tfor loop action." << std::endl;
 456 // 
 457 //              f.setTime(timeProvider.time());
 458 //              // chance the time for the (long) RHS function f to tⁿ⁺¹
 459 //              // ('f' from -∆u + \div(v) u + \matdot{u} = f)
 460 // 
 461 //              initialData.setTime(timeProvider.time());
 462 // 
 463 //              std::array<double,2> time_array { 
 464 //                      {timeProvider.time()- timeProvider.deltaT(), timeProvider.time()} 
 465 //              };
 466 //              EvoMapIntegrator impl_euler { NUMERIK::NewtonParameters<> {1e-10} };
 467 //              evoMap.evolve(time_array.begin(), time_array.end(), impl_euler);
 468 // 
 469 //              assembleRHS( f, tmp );
 470 //              // assemly stiffness/load vector; the vector is called 'tmp'; 
 471 //              // in the sense of above it is fⁿ⁺¹
 472 // 
 473 //              rhs.axpy( timeProvider.deltaT(), tmp );
 474 //              // rhs += Δt * tmp (i.e. rhs += \Delta t * tmp)
 475 //              // Just calculated: ( uⁿ + ∆t EllipticOperator(uⁿ)) + ∆t fⁿ
 476 // 
 477 //              //InterpolationType::interpolateFunction( initialData, U_n );
 478 //              solver( rhs, U_n );
 479 //              // Solve:  (id + \Delta t EllipticOperator) u_{n+1} = rhs,
 480 //              // where rhs = ( u_n + \Delta t EllipticOperator(u_n)) + \Delta t f_n
 481 //              // CAPG remark: this is very very slow.
 482 // 
 483 //              dataOutput.write( timeProvider );
 484 // 
 485 //              InterpolationType::interpolateFunction( initialData, exactSolution );           
 486 //              write_error(l2h1error_ofs);
 487 //              
 488 //              ellipticOp.mass_matrix(U_n, rhs);
 489 //              // calculating: rhs = Mⁿ uⁿ  (uⁿ == solutionContainer)
 490 // 
 491 //              // l2errorcontainer.push_back(l2norm.distance(exactSolution, U_n));
 492 //              // h1errorcontainer.push_back(h1norm.distance(exactSolution, U_n));
 493 //              // timecontainer.push_back(timeProvider.time());
 494 //      }
 495 //      // l2h1error_ofs << "#\n" << l2h1error_helper_oss.str() << '#' << std::endl;
 496 // 
 497 //      // l2h1error_ofs << timeProvider.deltaT()   << ' '
 498 //      //                        << timecontainer.back()    << ' '
 499 //      //                        << l2errorcontainer.back() << ' '     
 500 //      //                        << h1errorcontainer.back() << std::endl;
 501 //      l2h1error_ofs.close();
 502 // }
 503 // // end paperALE experiment
 504 #endif // #ifndef DUNE_HEAT_ALGORITHM_HPP

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