The lecture takes place on each Friday from 12:00 to 14:00. First meeting is on 18th Oct 2024. Room number is C4H33.
Please register for the turorial in the URM. The tutorial takes place in room S07 on Friday from 15:00. First tutorial is on 24th Oct 2024.
Students whose degrees are managed in Alma have to register for the exam and for the tutorials through the procedings there. This includes: B.Sc. PO 2017 and 2019, B.Ed. Gymnasium PO 2016
and 2018, B.Ed. Berufliche Schulen PO 2015 and 2018, B.Ed. Vorleistungen Erweiterungsfach PO 2019, M.Ed. Berufliche Schulen PO 2018, M.Ed. Erweiterungsfach PO 2020. All informations are without guarantee, if you are unsure consult the regulations specific to your degree.
Please register in URM, so that we can estimate the overall demand for the course. If there is a problem with the registration, then send me an e-mail and we will sort it out.
An introduction to numerical methods for solving optimization problems in science and engineering, focusing on continuous optimization and nonlinear programming.
1. Business: Resource allocation in logistics, investment, etc.
2. Science: Model estimation and fitting to measurement data, experiment design.
3. Engineering: Design and operation of technical systems such as bridges, cars, aircraft, digital devices, etc.
Course Structure:
1. Fundamental Concepts of Optimization
2. Unconstrained Optimization and Newton-Type Algorithms
3. Equality Constrained Optimization
4. Inequality Constrained Optimization
1. J. Nocedal and S.J. Wright, Numerical Optimization, Springer, 2nd edition, 2006.
2. S. Boyd and L. Vandenberghe, Convex Optimization, Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Lecture: 2 hours/week, every Friday at 12:00
Tutorial: 1 hour/week, every Thursday at 17:00
Contact person
Dr. Abhishek Chaudary,
Last modified: Monday, 16-Dec-2024 12:54:45 CET, Webmaster